An equal sparring partner

As a quality manager, you know better than anyone the challenges in the welding department. Do you face complex issues in ensuring quality requirements? Are you looking for an equal sparring partner to come up with better solutions? Could you use support in setting up quality systems of standards, such as EN 1090, ISO 3834 and ISO 5817? Our welding engineers offer the expertise you are looking for. Together we ensure that your welding department can maintain its quality. 


Tell us your challenge whether it's a technical problem or design challenge. Our technicians are ready to work with you to find a suitable solution. We have the knowledge and expertise to advise and support you where needed in the process.

Welding data management

Efficiently build a report for your client. Welding data management system automatically determines the actual welding parameters per weld, per product and per project. Thereby, the system is applicable for both large and small companies.

Certificate Management

Have an instant overview of your qualified welders at the push of a button. With Certibank you always and everywhere have insight into the welding qualifications of your welders. It offers a total overview and signals when welding qualifications have expired.


Contact us today to achieve quality goals and solve complex issues.

Onze totaalaanpak - De Schijf van Vijf

Alle kennis en middelen rond lasvragen hebben wij in eigen huis. Wij zijn één aanspreekpunt voor alle betrokkenen in het lasproces, van aanbesteding tot kwaliteitscontrole. Elektrolas is een totaalaanbieder op lasgebied. We borgen kwaliteit, geven scholing, innoveren processen, verkopen en verhuren producten en bieden service op lasbenodigdheden.. Dat is onze Schijf van Vijf. Vijf diensten die elkaar versterken. Zo zorgen wij dat onze klanten klaar zijn voor de toekomst.