Creating a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) workshop

Is a WPS not properly understood, incorrectly formatted or not used at all? If so, this can have fatal consequences. A WPS is derived from a welding method qualification, which in turn is closely related to the strength calculations. These calculations are done by engineering. A WPS is drawn up by the welding coordinator and is the work description for the welder. A WPS ensures uniform and consistent quality.

Intended for

Welder, welding coordinator, design engineer, work planner, quality assurance engineer.


The objective of this workshop is to acquire more knowledge and skills in reading and drafting a welding method description (WPS). During this workshop the following topics are covered:

  • Explanation of practical issues WPS
  • Described elements
  • Where do the elements come from
  • Work description / structure
  • Creating your own WPS

General information

Location: Elektrolas, Waalwijk
Costs: 175 euro (excluding Taxes)

Upon completion, you can receive a certificate of participation that will help you demonstrably keep your knowledge up to date. Participation earns you points for obtaining the framework certificate.

This workshop at your location?

Do you have a larger group of employees for whom this workshop would be interesting? Elektrolas can also provide workshops at your location. Please contact us at 0416-235036. Or let us contact you.

Our overall approach

When it comes to welding, elektrolas has all the knowledge and resources in-house. We are a point of contact for all those involved in the welding process, from tendering to quality control. We are a total provider in the welding field. We secure quality, offer training, sell, rent and service on welding equipment. This is our disc-of-five. Five services that reinforce each other. That is how we ensure that our customers are ready for the future.